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Debt Management

The management of public debt is an integral part of PFM and one of the core areas of our team of 4Assist associates. Our expertise ranges from the procedural domain of debt management to the operation and dynamics of the market for sovereign debt.


Our teams have assisted inter alia in the organisational arrangements of a debt management office, in preparing guidelines to aid decision-making for contracting debt, in reviewing and assessment of the regulations and support systems for the Government Securities market and the Rights and Obligations of Primary Dealer banks, and in improving debt issuance policy and issuance calendar, including debt profiling, the use of financial instruments and assessment of risk from foreign currency denominated debt.


As part of the broader EU TA project "Technical Assistance to Improve Public Finance Policy and Public Financial Management in Moldova" our associates assisted the Moldovan Ministry of Finance in the process of re-profiling and extending maturities of Government Securities, and issuing the first-ever 5-year T-bond.


Our teams have also extensive experience in explicit and implicit guarantees. One of our most recent experience includes providing assistance in the so called on-lending programmes i.e. credits of IFIs/DFIs channelled through sub-national governments (including municipal enterprises) or state-owned enterprises (fully owned or with a majority public stake) or directly offered to the private sector to support specific economic sectors.
Our associates have also extensive experience in the Debt Management Performance Assessment framework (DeMPA) diagnostic tool.