April 2015. 4Assist will be providing two experts to participate in the team that will carry out the PEFA Assessment in Kosovo, which will start in May 2015.

April 2016. Four Assist participates in a Project being carried out for PEFA Secretariat entitled “Choosing the right tools to support PFM reform – PFM Diagnostic Instruments”. The study will aim to produce an update of the 2011 Task Force on PFM report which will provide a foundation for the global PFM community to understand the range of instruments for diagnosis and support for PFM reform that are available to them. A preliminary outline of the study is to be presented in the PEFA CONFERENCE AND TRAINING: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE in Budapest April 26-29, 2016.

January 2020. Four Assist is awarded for the 3rd consecutive round of the DG ECFIN 4-year framework service contracts for conducting operational assessments and taking part in PEFA studies. As a lead firm this time, together with our partner, DT Global, we remain committed to deliver the services required. The main object of the present framework contract is a) to analyse the legislative framework, the administrative procedures and the financial circuits of the administrative bodies that manage EU funds in the countries which receive macro-financial assistance in the context of an Operational Assessment. b) to take part in the 'Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability' (PEFA) studies which aims at assessing the performance of the public finance management system.

The assignment was carried out within the Framework Service Contract ECFIN/012/2011 for Operational and PEFA Assessments. The specific objectives of the Moldova PEFA 2011 Assessment were to:

  • Track the progress since last PEFA assessment of 2008 needed to measure PFM performance over time, and to inform and strengthen the dialogue between the Government of Moldova and EU, but also the donor community, on strengthening PFM;
  • Assist the Government of Moldova and donor community to assess current PFM reforms and to identify potential PFM areas where further institutional support is required;
  • Assist the EU and other interested donors in determining the eligibility of Moldova for future budget support and macro-financial assistance programmes.