October 2014 - The Operational Assessment of the financial circuits of Ukraine on behalf of DG ECFIN was completed.        This was requested by the EC as a matter of urgency following the decision made to support the transitional government.

March 2016. 4Assist successfully completed the Operational Assessment of the financial circuits and procedures in Moldova on behalf of DG ECFIN. A three-person expert team was mobilised for this assignment.

May 2020. 4Assist is entrusted by the European Commission’s DG-ECFIN to perform four Operational Assessment (OA) missions to analyse the financial circuits and procedures of Jordan, Tunisia, Moldova and Bosnia & Herzegovina. This is part of the Omnibus proposal (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_716) put forward by the Commission to support neighbouring and candidate countries to the EU through the Macro-Financial Assistance instrument, in response to the impact of COVID19 to their economies. Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic the work is being conducted remotely. 4Assist promptly mobilised four teams of experts and the work is on-going.

In our 4th consecutive, four-year framework contract with #DGECFIN two Operational Assessments of #PFM systems and circuits are in progress, one being in Egypt and one in Jordan.
Our esteemed colleagues, Yiannis Hadziyiannakis, Konstantinos Kiriakopoulos and Kennedy Musonda carry out the Assessment in Egypt, while Gnel Sedrakyan, Spyros Valatas, Irina Griryan and Irina Ialaia have undertaken the Assessment in Jordan.
These are Operational Assessments of public financial management and other financial circuits of countries benefiting from EU Macro-Financial Assistance, which is a form of conditional policy lending. These framework contracts cover EU candidate and pre-candidate countries as well as the countries of the European Neighbourhood.





